Minggu, 20 November 2011


Hari Minggu kemarin kami check spot ke daerah sengeti,

Masih daerah jambi juga, tapi jauh banget. Burit gw aja rasanya mau melepuh, dan

Setelah dicek alhamdulilah keluar api.

Oke, kami perginya juga dadakan, dimana waktu itu lagi main futsal, dan rencananya mau main futsal 2 jam tapi karena manusia yang datang cuman sedikit jadinya kurang seru dan sangat membosankan kalau dibilang.

Maka dari itu kami check spot aja sembari menghilangkan kebosanan diminggu pagi.

Dan alhamdulilah hari minggu itu melatih kesabaran kami, dimana ketika kami menjemput salah satu personil 7 icon, eh maksudnya salah satu temen buat pergi yang bernamaa adi romantic (entah mengapa), dia siap2nya lama banget, dimana waktu kami datang dia masih salto-salto sambil nyangkul buat kolam ikan (sebenarnya hasil cangkulannya mirip sumur), dan setelah mencangkul dia masuk rumah buat siap2, naah ini saat-saat dia menguji kesabaran kami dengan cara berlama-lama didalam rumah, entah apa yang dikerjakannya, stengah jam oke masih santai, 1 jam oke santai,1jam stengah oke mulai kami kejang2 dibuatnya.

Lagi sibuk dengan kejang kejang kami dia pun muncul dengan sumringah (What the...)

Oke singkatnya kami langsung melakukan Perjalanan menuju sengeti,

Dan perjalan berlangsung asik karena cuaca mendung syahdu mendukung perjalan ini, dan menjadi kurang asik ketika hujan lebat turun, terpaksa kami numpang berteduh disebuah bengkel anak muda yang (kayaknya) fans berat JUSTIN BIEBER, ya saat kami berteduh lagu BABI2nya justin yang diputar berulang ulang.

Hujan belum reda juga hingga beberapa jam menunggu, dan akhirnya kami paksakan jg untuk pergi karena jam sudah menunjukan pukul 2.30 pm, mau main jam brapa lagi !.

Akhirnya kami sampai juga di Sengeti dengan selamat setelah nyasar. Oke waktu itu aku dan adek tidak mempunyai mental yang cukup buat mencoba spot2 yang berada disitu kecuali adi.

Dia beberapa kali mencoba melakukan dropin disalah satu spot disitu, dan setalah beberapa kali dia loncat, patah pinggul, kejang-kejang , koma sekitar 5 menit diapun berhasil menaklukan spot tersebut, selamat buat adi.

Oke itu lah posting hari ini semoga kalian menikmatinya hahah.

ini beberapa poto2 ketika berada disana

baru sampe


no komment

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

lalala aku bernyanyi diatas panas matahari.
tidak ada keceriaan disini, tidak ada senyuman bahkan satu pun tidak.
yang ada hanya kesedihan dan kelaparan yang melanda disini.
dan aku berusaha menyingkirkan hal tersebut.
haha tidak mungkin
hey kau tahu bahwa aku disini menunggu mu.
menunggu mu lepas dari bajingan beruntung yang telah mendapatkan mu.
kau tahu keburukannya?
kau tahu cara dia memandang mu dari sudut pandang seorang pelacur?
ya mungkin kau tidak tahu, tetapi aku disini tahu.
haha aku hanya bisa tertawa melihat sebuah fakta konyol.
dimana disatu sisi mencintai sangat tulus, dan satu sisi lagi menganggap itu sebagai permainan menjelang tidurnya.
oke, kau cantik tetapi kau bodoh gadis :)
aku mungkin memang tidak engkau acuhkan, tidak engkau perhatikan, bahkan mungkin engkau tidak mengenalku, tetapi aku mencintai mu.
peace off !

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

About Mickey Mouse and First Film Mickey :)

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character who has become an icon for the Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. He was voiced by Walt Disney from 1928–1946 theatrically, and again from 1955–1959 for the original ABC TV The Mickey Mouse Club television series. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928, upon the release of Steamboat Willie, although Mickey had already appeared six months earlier in an unfinished test screening of Plane Crazy (Steamboat Willie being the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon to be released). The anthropomorphic mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. Mickey is currently the main character in the Disney Channel's Disney Junior series "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Mickey is the leader of The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, with help from Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and other friendly friends of his.
In late 2009, The Walt Disney Company announced that they will begin to re-brand the Mickey Mouse character by putting a little less emphasis on his pleasant, cheerful side and reintroducing the more mischievous and adventurous sides of his personality, starting with the newly released

click me:)

Mickey Mouse
First appearance:
Plane Crazy (1928)

Walt Disney
Ub Iwerks

Voice actors:
Walt Disney (1928-1947)
Jimmy MacDonald (1947-1977)
Wayne Allwine (1977-2009)
Bret Iwan (2009-present)
Takashi Aoyagi (Japan)

Minnie Mouse
Karen Horse

Commissioner O'Hara
Sylvester Shyster

Ghost Ink
Mortimer Mouse

Plane Crazy was the first animated film featuring Mickey Mouse (Mickey Mouse). This is a black and white movies and silent. Directed by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks in 1927 and launched on May 15, 1928. Plane Crazy was followed by The Gallopin 'Gaucho and Steamboat Willie.

► ► ► ◄ ◄ ◄ Chronology
In the film, Mickey Mouse wants to imitate aviator Charles Lindbergh to be single, then he invites Minnie Mouse (Minnie Mouse). During the trip, invites Mickey Mouse Mini kissing, but because Miki Mini refused and kept insisting, finally Miki freefall from a plane with a parachute. Because distracted, Mickey loses control of the plane and eventually landed an emergency. Miki throwing horse shoes given to her Mini and then turned to hit himself.
Since the emergence of non-anthropomorphic cow on the plane, some people believe that this is the first film raises Klarabela, although that appears in this film is the predecessor Karolin.

some pictures the mickey

video mickey mouse

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


skateboard tops born in the mid-year between 1940-1950 when the surfer from California wanted to find something to drive when the first seawater berombak.papan not created by a board that was given tire roller skate.


later 1970s franc nasworthty make tires skateboard with polyurethane material or used to be called cadillac.dia hoping for a fat person can buy a skate board and memakainya.Dengan the launch of the new tires ditahun 1970an.membuat lagi.Banyak rapidly growing popularity of skateboarding company started to manufacture trucks (wheel axle) with a special design for the plant skater.Pengusaha mengabung began experimenting with exotic materials with metal, such as fiberglass and aluminium.para skateboarders to receive benefits from their boards repaired and they began creating new tricks. some Skater, especially Ty Page, Bruce Logan, Bobby Piercy, Kevin Reed, and Z-Boys (named so because their local store called zephy shop) they began to slide vertically walled swimming pool is left empty during the California drought 1976. origin of this trend in the world Vert skateboarding.


diPeriode was triggered by a skateboard company run by skateboarders. The focus initially is on track to hit Vert skateboarding. The discovery of no-hands aerial (later known as Ollie) by Alan Gelfand in Florida in 1976. discovery and development, grabbed aerial by George Orton and Tony Alva in California.trick This makes the skater can perform on a vertical ramp.

Since most people can not build a Vert ramp or do not have access to the ramp, play distreet / street became popular. Rodney Mullen freestyle street like creating a lot of basic tricks, including modern basic tricks such as kickflip impossible and

Effect of freestyle street skating is still a trend during the mid-80s, but street skating was still performed in a wide Vert board with a short nose. sakteboard in the 1980s developed rapidly but are constrained by accommodation of street skating.

1990s until now generated now dominated by street skating skateboarding. with wide board 7 ¼ to 8 inches long and 30 to 32 inci.Ukuran relatively small wheels look much brighter for the board, and for the wheels spin faster, thus making tricks more easily obtained . Contemporary form obtained from the freestyle boards skateboard 1980s with the shape and relatively narrow width is very symmetrical. This shape has become a standard mid-90s.

Go Skateboarding day

Go Skateboarding Day was made in 2004 by a group of skateboarding companies to promote skateboarding and help for skateboarding is better known by the world. celebrated every year on June 21.

source :)